Sweet Home

Sweet Home is a home away form home. It provides a safe and reliable environment where students stay, learn and play after school hours. It started a few years ago at the request of working parents and it helps them to manage their professional life while being assured of the well-being of their kids. We have trained and experienced teachers who provide constant supervision and care to the children. There is also a nurse present at Sweet Home, to take care of emergencies.

Children from Toddlers can get enrolled at Sweet Home. Recognizing the importance of these primary years, we explore a range of activities and programs in a vibrant setting that facilitates the children’s cognitive, social, and emotional development. They learn to positively interact with peers, develop social skills, and thus build their self-confidence. At Sweet Home, the children have a set schedule of activities, such as meals, resting times, study time, and playtime, along with different activities which help them develop a sense of routine, structure, and discipline.

Every day at Sweet Home, children are served fresh, nutritious, balanced meals for lunch, evening snacks, and dinner. They complete their daily lessons and homework with the assistance of our teachers, as well as take part in physical activities, games, and co-scholastic activities. Children are also involved in Life Skills classes and sessions on Value Education.

Sweet Home remains open from Monday to Saturday, apart from public holidays. We also stay open for the School’s summer vacation. We strive to provide the right guidance and mentoring to support the independent growth and development of children in a comfortable yet challenging learning environment.