Development of children’s personality in collaboration with school and parents with special mention of PTM.
Personality development is a continuous and complex process that starts from childhood and continues throughout one’s life. Children’s personality development is influenced by many factors, including genetics, environment, and experiences. The collaboration between school and parents can play a significant role in shaping a child’s personality in positive ways. Its basically a joint venture where the parents and the school come together to a common consensus for a meaningful and holistic development of the child. As parents seek help and guidance from the school, the school also looks forward to whole-hearted cooperation from the parents for the child’s benefit.
Here are some ways in which school and parents can work together to develop children’s personality:
*1.Understanding the Child’s Needs:* Both school and parents should make an effort to understand the child’s unique needs, interests, and strengths. This understanding can help identify the areas where the child needs more support and where they excel. A good way to start is by having open communication between school and parents, and by sharing information about the child’s progress and behaviour. This can take place during PTMs which should be scheduled at regular intervals. PTMs are an integral part of parent-teacher relationship where the parents get to share their personal experiences in bringing up the child in a very safe and non-judgemental space. The teachers can also guide them in the areas where the child needs improvement and how certain methods are to be followed at home so that the child benefits.
*2) Encouraging Positive Behaviour:* Children learn through observation and imitation, and both school and parents play a crucial role in exhibiting positive behaviour. Encouraging children to be kind, respectful, and honest can help build their character and personality. To make this happen both the teacher and parents should lead by example and put forward their best behaviour in front of the children. The parents and the school should always be on the same page in inculcating strong values and habits which will go a long way in moulding the character of the children. For example, the child should be taught the value of time-management, punctuality, early sleeping and waking habits, healthy eating habits etc both at school and at home.  Providing positive feedback for good behaviour can also reinforce positive traits and help children develop self-confidence.
*3) Nurturing Creativity:* Creativity is an essential component of personality development, and both school and parents can encourage children’s creative expression. Providing opportunities for children to explore art, music, drama, and other creative activities can help foster their imagination, self-expression, and problem-solving skills. The school can encourage parents to indulge in craft-making activity with the child based on a certain theme that is done in school so that the child’s learning is reinstated at home in a more creative manner. Parents attending Annual concert of the school or any event should always be encouraged. When the children perform in such events, seeing their parents among the audience give them a strong sense of belonging where they feel both the school and the parents are part of his family.
*4) Building Social Skills:* Social skills are critical for children’s overall development, and school and parents can work together to help children build these skills. Organizing group activities, encouraging teamwork, and promoting communication can help children develop social skills such as empathy, cooperation, and conflict resolution. The school can always encourage parents’ participation in events like Annual Sports, organize competitive events for the parents which in turn can have a positive effect on the social skills of the children. Parents can also volunteer in many ways. Parents who are doctors can take the initiative to organize workshops for the children on healthy lifestyle. The school also can arrange workshops for parents on different tools of parenting. This constant social interactions between parents and school can bridge the gap and help to build strong social skills among children.
*5) Developing a Growth Mindset:* Children’s personality development can be influenced by their mindset, and a growth mindset can help them thrive in all aspects of their lives. A growth mindset is the belief that abilities can be developed through hard work and dedication. Encouraging children to embrace challenges, learn from mistakes, accept failures can help them develop a growth mindset. Both the school and parents should come together in developing these traits among children. If a child is reprimanded in school for any reason, the parents should find out that particular reason and help the child understand where they went wrong. This would help the child to develop a positive attitude towards the school and towards the world at large.
*6) Providing a Supportive Environment:* A supportive environment is crucial for children’s personality development, and both school and parents can play a role in providing such an environment. This includes providing emotional support, setting appropriate boundaries, and creating a safe and nurturing space for children to learn and grow.
*7) Encouraging Responsibility:* Responsibility is an important trait that can help children develop a sense of independence, self-esteem, and accountability. Both school and parents can encourage responsibility by assigning age-appropriate tasks, providing guidance and support, and setting clear expectations for behaviour.
*_In conclusion, personality development is a complex and ongoing process that requires collaboration between school and parents. By understanding the child’s needs, encouraging positive behaviour, nurturing creativity, building social skills, developing a growth mindset, providing a supportive environment, and encouraging responsibility, school and parents can help children develop a strong and positive personality that will serve them well throughout their lives._*